Well, I finally got all my summer posts up, but since that took so long, I'm behind again! I'm finally getting around to posting about Parker's first day of school, now that he's been in school for two weeks! He was supposed to start on the 15th, but because of another city wide power outage, it was delayed two days. After two days of thinking he was going to go to school, only to be told, "Maybe tomorrow." it was all a little anti-climactic. But he did great, was super excited, and didn't hesitate a bit. Kinda made me more sad that he was so happy to leave me! He'd been counting down the days for weeks prior to the first day, and so excited, but that morning on our way to the bus stop, he told me, "I'm actually a little scared." I told him it was ok to be scared. At that point I began to worry he might have a hard time getting on the bus, but he didn't at all. He just hopped right on, found a seat, plopped right down and grinned ear to ear, while waving out the window as the bus drove away.

We went to his school, met a few other moms at "Tears and Tea", watched him get off the bus, and then followed him into his classroom. I was sure glad I went to his room, because when I got there, there was a room full of children, minus Parker! I kept searching and searching, but my yellow-shirted little kindergartener was nowhere to be found. I finally told the teacher, and she went to the gym to find him. He had been taken the wrong classroom and because that teacher had a Parker in her class, they had him come right in. But he wasn't ruffled a bit by any of it!
Excited to be in the right classroom!
Here he is getting off the bus. He doesn't get off the bus until 4:45! I hate having him gone so long, but he seems to be handling the long days really well.
I know it's all so cliche, but I CANNOT believe he is old enough to be in kindergarten. He has grown up so fast! It seems like just yesterday he was my tiny little perfect baby! And he a toddling little two year old who could barely climb up on the curb in front of our apartment when we moved to Kentucky! Now look at him! I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming and I know he will do great in this next step of life, but I wish I could just keep him little and have him home with me forever! Our lives will never be the same!
He is doing great in school and always so well behaved. It's such a relief not to have to worry when I send him to school each day if he is going to misbehave or be disruptive. On their first day of gym, he was sent home with a bright orange paper saying he had been a "super tiger" (tiger is their mascot) and commending his outstanding behavior. At first I thought maybe all the kids got it, but then he showed me a tattoo he got in gym and said that only two kids that were really good got them . I was a proud mama!
They also have a discipline system where they start out the day with a green light, and if they get in trouble they are in a yellow light, then a red light where they really get in trouble. Everyday the teacher puts in his folder what kind of day he has. And he always has a green day, or a star day-meaning he was caught doing something exceptional that day. More often than not he has star days. He is such a good kid! We sure love him and we miss him while he's gone all day, but are so glad he is learning and growing and behaving so well!